This is the fourth and final attempt to create a pendant from the cut out side of a fuel can for my friend Cooper. The red paint scratches off to reveal the metal underneath. Packing tape protects it from scratching off any more.
While on a visit to New Jersey I had come up with the idea of unbraiding the steel wire and using it in combination with the braided metal. When I arrived back in Santa Cruz, I looked through the papers on my desk and noticed my list of pendants to make. When I set eyes on DNA, a light went on, and I got right to work on this one! This is currently my second favorite, and easily took the longest to make. This one went to my friend Jessica.
When I made the sun pendant for my Mom, I had a moon pendant in mind for my cousin Jessica. I attempted to make a moon with a face in the same style as the sun, but it didn't work, so I went with a minimalistic approach!
It is incredibly hard to work wire into such small dodecahedrons. These went to my frind Natalie when she told me that her nickname in high school was 'Dodecahedron'.
I made this for a homeless guy who hangs around Pacific. As I was making it, I thought to myself, "Should I give this to Benny? No, I've already decided to give it to that guy." He's really friendly and plays guitar and sings beautifully. He wouldn't accept it when I offered it, so I gave it to Benny!
Long story short, I was sitting on some steps under a light in front of Jasmine's house hoping she would come home while I made this.
I made this but didn't know who to give it to. I was chilling with Karl and asked him if he had seen it and he said, That's my symbol! Perfect!
My friend Sarah crocheted a Christmas ornament for me a long time ago. I wanted to give something back, so I decided to make her a music note necklace.
One of my very first pendants was a sun pendant for my Mom, but it came out really evil looking. I really liked it, but it wasn't what I had in mind to give to her so I kept it. After a year, I finally made this one at Burning Man 2010.
I have wanted to create something for my father for some time. I attempted to make two different illusions, but both failed. Finally I chose to make something geometric. I love making seven pointed stars and thought about making one in a circle, but I wanted to mix it up a bit and thought it might look neat if it were distorted in a square.
This pendant is easily my favorite. I made it for my ex-girlfriend after we broke up. It was inspired by my senior year of high school Humanities teacher, Mrs. Ferrandi.